What we love.
We are passionate about people, Jesus and people knowing Jesus.
We love people, we love relationships, we love friendship.
We love people: all ages and cultures.
We love the Bible and the Church. We love to see people inspired to work together towards a common goal—especially the goal of seeing people come to know and love Jesus. We love seeing people become passionate about serving Jesus and each other.
We love it when people find their purpose in Jesus, which leads them to discover their purpose in life. We value reaching out locally and globally (that's why we partner with groups like Compassion and the Christian Studies Teachers in order to bring the Word to people overseas and school kids in our local area).
If you think your values align with ours, we'd love you to join us and become a part of our community. We hope to meet you soon!
To know and love Jesus and to make Him known
We are Christ-centred, Bible-based, Outward-focused and Spirit-led.
To Reach and Build Disciples for Jesus
When Jesus spoke to His disciples and told them to go into all the world and make disciples of all the nations, we believe He meant for us to go into all the world. We believe in going next door, going to work, going to university, going to school, going shopping, going out for lunch and dinner; and in this going, we are to show everyone we meet the love of Jesus, thereby bringing the Kingdom of God to Earth.
We believe in reaching out and connecting with our community because this is how we bring God's Kingdom to our world. God had a plan for the world before the beginning of time, and His plan is still the same. He wants relationship with people and He wants all of us to spend eternity with Him.
We are God's ambassadors on earth. After Jesus had risen from the dead and risen to heaven, He gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit to finish the work He had begun.
Have you ever considered that you are the only Christian that some people will ever meet on earth?
That you are the only representation of Jesus that they will ever know?
We believe this to be true, and that is one of the reasons we are so determined to connect with our community.
Come meet with us and see for yourself what God can do through you!