How Do You Like Your Eggs?
Pastor Pam Loneragan | 10th of May, 2021

In itself, the question of ‘how do you like your eggs?’ is not rhetoric. Quite simply, the answer is that every one of us likes our eggs cooked differently. Saturday mornings in our house is bacon and eggs morning. My husband is particular about how his eggs are to be done. Cooked easy over but with a soft centre and then sprinkled with Chinese Five Spice. And for many years now, I’ve asked, “Who has Chinese Five Spice on their eggs? Is anyone else in the world who has Chinese Five Spice on their eggs? Please step forward.
As human beings, it is written that we are all ‘wonderfully and beautifully made’ (Psalm139;14), even down to our likes and preferences of how we like our eggs.
The sad thing I find today in society is how the views we hold and our preferences are making us polarised. No longer are we allowed to hold a different view or opinion without being told the opinion or belief is wrong. Further than that, some feel it necessary to shut others down, even to the point of being ostracised. Check out google and see how well that went for my friend and prominent artist, Dr Bindi Cole-Chocka.
Many years ago (when I was a young police officer), I remember being on a Supervisors training course when we were asked to complete a paper-based exercise on survival. The scenario was a plane crash in an arctic environment. The first part of the exercise was completed individually; the second was to be completed as a group, then the exercise was marked. As a team, I so vividly remember that the odds of survival far outweighed that of the individual. Yes, some jumped in boots and all, and there was the one that sat back only to comment after considered contemplation, but ultimately, the outcome was much better together.
As a couple, my husband and I meet regularly with some great friends. The conversation is always good; there are many laughs, and I regularly tell these friends, “Hey, I love you guys”. Why? Because they are genuine people who hold love and respect for others as one of their values. As a courtesy, I messaged our friends and asked them would they mind a mention in my blog; Again, you might ask why? The reason being is this relationship is unique, as we are Christian, and they’re Atheist. The refreshing aspect of this relationship that we can bring a ‘contrary’ opinion to the discussion, but what doesn’t come into our conversation is a ‘contrary spirit’. A ‘contrary spirit’ says, “I’m right, and you are wrong”; a ‘contrary spirit’ does not listen to alternatives or propose any solution. It holds a hard and fast opposing view that creates a ‘them’ and ‘us’ tribalism. This attitude tears apart relationships, never considering others, and sadly never appears to have any self-reflection.
See, today I understand I could very well wake up and decide that I will try my eggs with Chinese Five Spice.

Pam is a very prominent part of our Preaching Team here at C3 Church Cherrybrook and we love to hear her bring the Word with passion and delight. She is a registered trainer, qualified to train people in many different capacities. She has completed postgraduate studies in Commerce and is currently studying a Masters in Leadership and Theology. She has practical experience and completed studies in investigation, group facilitation, behavioural selection and development.
Comments 3
Fantastic Pam. We are all unique in our own way.
Love this Pam! A great reminder to accept each other as we are.
Brilliant, Pam! Such a needed reminder to everyone these days. Jenni Mills