God is in the Details

Pastor Anna Button | 17th of March, 2021

You’ve probably heard the saying that ‘the devil is in the details,’ first used by A German philosopher and poet by the name of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) “Der Teufel stecktim Detail”. But have you heard the other version of the idiom ‘God is in the details’ first quoted by Gustave Flaubert (1821-1800), a German architect. [1] 

Well, I want to posit to you today that God is in the details. God is interested in the intricacies of our lives. He cares for our whole being. Mind, spirit, body, soul.  

I feel for many of us, we read through the Bible perhaps without giving it too much thought, or not enough thought, on certain sections. I believe that when we slow down and deliberately dwell on certain parts of scripture, we will begin to see the details. The details that God put there specifically, for a purpose. The little things that we perhaps don’t understand.  We need to pause and ask the Holy Spirit to speak into our spirit and reveal what the Word is saying to us.  

This world we live in is so busy. So crazy busy. When we slow down, when we deliberately stop, we find that the noise quiets down. Close your eyes now, here, and listen to the stillness. Even with the family racing around you as you read, stop. Close your eyes. Listen. God is there. God is here. With you. With me.  

I was challenged late last year to rewrite a portion of scripture in my own words. It was Psalm 136 verses 1 to 26. I challenge you to go through this process (you can choose your own portion of the Word), mostly for the effect of putting on paper what you really think and understand of God’s Word. 

I rewrote Psalm 136 verse 12 as: “He fights for me with His strong hand and powerful arm, His love never fails.” God knew I was struggling in a fight at that point in time. He knew I needed reassurance that He would fight for me. We both knew I could not do it on my own.  

As I sit here pondering that moment even now, I am reminded once again that God IS in the details of my life. And He cares for the details of my life. He knows, and He cares. He knew to speak to me when I was fighting a battle I could not win on my own, (through Psalm 136), and He knows the next battle coming to my door. 

If you allow Him to speak to you, if you stop, and listen, you will hear His voice. You will hear Him. He speaks to us Spirit to spirit. Ask the Holy Ghost to reveal the Father to you. And ask for His help for every detail in your life because God IS in the details.  

May you be blessed in Jesus name, 

[1] theidioms.com 

Senior Pastor Anna is a mother to six children ranging in age from 6 to 30 years old and a loving wife to Ps. John for the past 30 years. Ps. Anna is a gifted vocalist who has been leading worship for many years. She loves to see people come alive in the presence of God. She also teaches primary education and has a great heart for children’s ministry. Anna loves to read and run and is currently training to run a marathon.

Comments 3

  1. You guys are doing some great work in these blogs. Needs to become compulsory reading for the C3 members 🙂
    Keep up the great work.

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