The Coats of Easter

Pastor John Button | 30th of March, 2021

Coats. The interesting thing about our coats is we never think about them until we need them. I was with my family in Northern China on Christmas day 2017, and at minus 26 degrees, the one thing that we never forgot when venturing outside was our arctic rated coats. Right now, in most of Australia, they are the last thing on our mind. Warm balmy Autumn days with blue skies, and a forecast for Easter of sunshine through to next week, as we all plan what we are going to do with the annual 4-day break. The overtime loading for those that are working (big shout out to nurses and medical staff, and various essential services), and how much extra they will make? Ah, so much planning to do, with our coats hanging out of sight, conveniently close by. But 2 weeks ago, at the height of the torrential rain and rising flood waters, none of us left the house without coat and umbrella. Now, not a second thought.

A few thousand years ago, a father in the Middle East gave one of his sons a coat different to all his brothers. So indignant, filled with jealousy his brothers beat him and sold him off as a slave. Andrew Lloyd Webber loved the story so much he made a successful musical about it. A couple of thousand years after that, one of Joseph’s descendants rode into Jerusalem on a donkey sitting on? His friends coats! Not just that, but other people were putting their coats on the road in front of the donkey and shouting out in celebration. Why? Probably because the person on the donkey was more important, and more loving than anyone they had ever met.

I am not sure I would be that eager to put my coat on the road in front of a guy riding on a donkey, but that is most likely because I am not seeing what they saw. A man that didn’t challenge the political establishment, but the religious ones. He didn’t create a corporation, but just had 12 close friends that followed him everywhere. He didn’t write a book, he left that to those that came after him. He came because he loved. Us. All of us. As we are. Warts and all. No exceptions. The soldiers gambled for his coat as he was dying in front of them, and he loved them too.

The coat on our hook at home is for protection from the elements, and warmth. Put your coat on the road this Easter and try to see what they saw. Love, acceptance, and belonging. Just like our coat at home, we never think about them until we need them.

About the Author

Senior Pastor John is a father to six children ranging in age from 6 to 30 years old and a loving husband to Ps. Anna. Pastor John is a prophetic voice for the church. He loves moving in the Holy Spirit by giving encouraging words of fresh revelation to individuals. He has a gift of preaching that brings the Word to life, at the same time making it practical. John comes from a large family and loves to meet new people and enjoys a good yarn (story) or two! John loves everything sport. He is umpiring in the AFL amateur league and also rides bikes for fun and fitness.

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